Each week I will feature a fashionable item in the blog. If you think yours could fit this style, please add a photo to the photo pool in flickr.
GilBea's Fashion & Handmade Flickr Group
If you are a new fashion designer, spotted a new trend, want to submit your own look, or need help with some new clothes you got, drop me a line!
I will get back to you as soon as posible, and probably you will appear in the blog if you want to =)
email me
Merry Christmas (why am I always late on that one?) and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Again, job got in the way of blogging.... sorry! And now I need vacations so I am going to spend New Years in Edinburgh! YAY! I will tell you more about it when I come back but I have heard it is a great night there. (I hope to not die frozen there)
However, as some of you already know, I couldn't forget to edit the last issue of VivaLaModa! Yes, the last issue was released a few weeks ago but I was too busy to properly introduce it to all of you =)
I really hope you like it, and remember, we are always looking for new hot topics, collaborators, ideas, comments, and advertisers!! So just contact me or post here if you want to collaborate, have a great idea or want to advertise in January issue.
This issue is super co
ol!! The Uniform Project, Designer Spotlight, Gift Guides (I know, a little too late now lol), and a long etcetera, as well as tons of fashion of course!
And to celebrate, I want to offer a half page ad again the the next issue of VivaLaModa!
Win a Half Page Ad in January issue of VivaLaModa!!!
Anyone who has a blog can participate! (Well, as far as you want to advertise something of course hehe) All you have to do is spread the word about VivaLaModa magazine! Write a blog post about it, that's it! And I will make the ad for the winner if he wants! :)
Write in your blog (a blog entry and not just a link on the side) about VivaLaModa magazine (doesn't matter if the blog post is not in English). You can ask me for images if you need any screenshots, etc. If not, you can find images and banners here: http://www.vivalamoda.co.cc/link.html
Leave a comment in this post with a link to the blog post.
I will select the winner from the comments with a random number generator.
This giveaway ends January 11th at midnight EST. Good luck and thanks a lot!!!
Yes, I have FREE WORLD WIDE SHIPPING on all the items in my shop from Nov 27th to 30th! =) Also on any custom orders you place during those dates. Who doesn't like silk accessories? And silk jewelry?
Wow! I love the colors of this scarf! I think it will look great with those black/grey/brown winter coats we all have ;)
This is a colorful and fresh looking spring/fall shawl in cotton.I have used a painting technique and let the ink flow a bit make it looks like watercolor. This cambric cotton is thin and very soft. You can wear it in many different ways. Flat on your head as a bandana or around your neck. Make it crinkled, twist it when it is damply and leave it to dry. The colors are different warm nuances of purple,brown,dark brown,fuchsia,orange and moore nuances of these. This shawl is a one of a kind. The fabric in this shawl is made by me in my atelier using the silksqreen technique.
Leave a comment in this post with your favourite item and a way to contact you (email or etsy link. Leave a contact or I won't be able to place you in the draft).
I will select the winner from the comments with a random number generator.
This giveaway ends November 24th at midnight EST. Good luck!
If you are a seller and want to offer an item for a giveaway, contact me (see contact details in last section of left column)
Yeah! We might not celebrate it much here in Spain, but I remember how much fun it was in the US.
So I have selected a few items that I think would be great as halloween costume, accessories or makeup! What do you think and what are you planning for this Halloween? What costume are you going to you wear?
Also, you can buy advertisment spots in November issue of VivaLaModa till end of this week, so please hurry up! =) 5500 readers each issue and counting! More info on advertising: Advertise in VivaLaModa magazine.
And I have some news on that. I will be donating 10% of November issue advertisment income to a charity: Akanksha's School Project for their new schools in Mumbaiand Pune, so every child in India gets a chance to go to school. This will be donated throughThe Uniform Project, a very cool project you must check out (hint: it will be featured in November issue!)
First of all, I am so sorry I have been out of the blogging world for so long! I went on vacations to the US in August and after that I found I had tons of work to do at my job.. so tons of overtime.. arghhh!!
But I am finally back! And I promise some fashion reviews, gift guides, etc from next week on, when I have some more free time :)
However, as some of you already know, I couldn't forget to edit the last issue of VivaLaModa! Yes, September issue was released a couple weeks ago but I was too busy to properly introduce it to all of you =)
I really hope you like it, and remember, we are always looking for new hot topics, collaborators, ideas, comments, and advertisers!! So just contact me or post here if you want to collaborate, have a great idea or want to advertise in November issue.
In the meantime, I know I announced a giveaway for a half page ad for Sept issue and that it never happened and I never announced a winner. I was so bussy before going on vacations that I just couldn't finish the contest. I am terribly sorry for that and I deeply apologize.
However, I decided to do the contest again!!! Perfect for the Christmas season, yay!
Win a Half Page Ad in November issue of VivaLaModa!!!
Anyone who has a blog can participate! (Well, as far as you want to advertise something of course hehe) All you have to do is spread the word about VivaLaModa magazine! Write a blog post about it, that's it! And I will make the ad for the winner if he wants! :)
For everybody who already participated in last giveaway, you do not have to participate again if you don't want to, I will count you too in this giveaway with your past blog post! And thanks so much for participating :)
Write in your blog (a blog entry and not just a link on the side) about VivaLaModa magazine (doesn't matter if the blog post is not in English). You can ask me for images if you need any screenshots, etc. If not, you can find images and banners here: http://www.vivalamoda.co.cc/link.html
Leave a comment in this post with a link to the blog post.
I will select the winner from the comments with a random number generator.
This giveaway ends October 25th at midnight EST. Good luck and thanks a lot!!!
This week: Half Page Ad in Sepember issue of VivaLaModa
Yes! I know it is not a real object, but some of you bloggers, sellers, webmasters, etc might like the opportunity of having a half page ad in the september issue for FREE! This giveaway includes the graphic design of your ad if you need it! =)
Anyone who has a blog can participate! (Well, as far as you have something to advertise of course hehe) All you have to do is spread the word about the magazine!
Write in your blog (a blog entry and not just a link on the side) about VivaLaModa magazine (doesn't matter if the blog post is not in English). You can ask me for images if you need any screenshots, etc. If not, you can find images and banners here: http://www.vivalamoda.co.cc/link.html
Leave a comment in this post with a link to the blog post.
I will select the winner from the comments with a random number generator.
This giveaway ends August 2nd at midnight EST. Good luck and thanks a lot!!!
Yes, I know it has been a long time since I last posted. And that I disappeared without saying a word lol. I went on vacations! to GERMANY! And I was so busy trying to finish editing the VivaLaModa july issue before leaving that I totally forgot to update the blog. My apologies to all the fashion addicts out there ;)
However, be happy now! Not because I am back hahaha but because the 4th issue of VivaLaModa is online now! (totally FREE!)
I really hope you like it! Feel free to post comments, new ideas, suggestions, topics you would like to see, etc here or emailing me (You can see the email in the magazine website).
And this is a post full of announcements because my shop is in the galleria of PapernStitch until August 16th! Please visit it here: http://www.papernstitch.com/
And my shop can be seen here: http://papernstitch.com/shop/gilbea Please heart my papernstitch shop! I need hearts hearts hearts! (2 shops with most hearts win a prize!) =)
Thank youuu!
Also, relating the magazine, I am trying to get together some gift bags for the collaborators that have written most for the magazine. Since the zine doesn't make much money, I am trying to ask for freebies and samples from handmade/vintage sellers. If anyone wants to participate let me know! In exchange your items will be reviewed in November issue of VivaLaModa! =) yay!
And for the blog fans, let me say that I am not abandoning the blog at all and that more fashion is coming your way, starting with summer dresses trends! =)
Yes yes I know!! It should me a Monday giveaway but internet doesn't like me this week lol.
This week: Photographic print of your choice by Tim Irving
He has all these super cool looking photos in his shop, and some of them are from Spain!!! Gotta love that ;) They have this... magical feeling.
Winner will choose 1 print from Tim's shop.
Rules to enter:
Visit Tim Irving's shop and pick a favourite item.
Leave a comment in this post with your favourite item and a way to contact you (email or etsy link. Leave a contact or I won't be able to place you in the draft).
I will select the winner from the comments with a random number generator.
This giveaway ends June 22nd at midnight EST. Good luck!
If you are a seller and want to offer an item for a giveaway, contact me (see contact details in last section of left column)
By the way, THANKS A LOT to everybody who wished me a happy Birthday! You are the best!! =)