Fashion friendly item of the week
Etiquetas: collection, fashion friendly, jewelry, new, scarf, scarflette, shawl, TickledPinkKnits, wrap 0 comentariosI know it's been 4 weeks since my last fashion friendly item of the week. My apologizes to the people that keep adding photos to the pool.
But today I am back on track and hope to be more consistent =)
This week: Victoriana Scarflette - Luxurious Knit Wool and Bamboo Collar by TickledPinkKnitsNow that the weather is changing and getting cold (at least that is what is happening here... where is the summer!!!) we will need some warm clothes, and this scarflette looks fabulous!
And if you rather have something bigger to cover you:
If you think your items or someone elses could fit in this section, please post your pictures in the photo pool. Remember: Handmade / Vintage items only!
I also wanted to announce that I have been adding items from my fall/winter collection to the etsy store, mostly jewelry.
Circles collection:
Silk cord necklace:
And also some square and foulard silk scarves:
Next week: silk+wool scarves - perfect for the cold winter!
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